Capital One....shocking!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by miles, Dec 31, 2001.

  1. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    Capital One is shocking the heck out of me with limit increases. I called Saturday to see about lowering my interest rate. It is currently @ 13.9%. The rep couldn't help me, but transferred me to what I believe was retention. The analyst stated I had the lowest rate for my account right now (yeah right!), but he did have a $1,000 increase available he could give me. Of course I accepted, but was shocked as I had just received a $1,000 increase through the automated system last week!

    I have been checking my account online since then and did not see the increase yet. I thought maybe he finally realized that I just received one and he would or could not send his increase through. Low & behold, I just checked my account and the increase has been processed. I am so surprised since I couldn't get squat from Capital One less than 1 year ago. I have had the account for 3 years.

    I figure I can speak with the Executive Office soon about the rate decrease. My highest apr outside of JCB (pay monthly-due to cash back) is 10.9%.

    Maybe with all the account reviews, they finally realize that I have rised above the subprime offers & limits they dished out to me. I also believe that Mr. Miller may have done something to my account when I spoke to him last to lift me from my subprime hell with them. If they keep this up, I will definately feel better about keeping and using my account.

    Just thought this may help those of you who are just as frustrated with Capital One as I was.

    Happy New Year!!!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  3. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    Hey, George! Yeah, that's standard for Platinum, but I have the Silver card. Since I am at $4,000 now, hopefully Platinum will not be far away. Six months?
  4. Herman

    Herman Well-Known Member

    Congrats Miles,

    Thats a Shocking big news!!!

    $2,000 ??... increase in the past " two weeks "<-----

    I wonder what happens to that stupid Gold Card....
    with a $200 baby limits.. or that recent brand new $500?


  5. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    What's the silver card like with C1? Is there a link on the website where it can be viewed? I went from a reg. green card to a gold. Didn't know Cap One had silver.
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Did you talk sexy to him? Sorry I couldn't resist <EG>

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  8. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    Thanks Herman...actually this account did start out with that baby limit LOL. It took a while, but it sure has grown.. FINALLY!!

    mindcrime1- They don't advertise the Silver card. They are actually discontinuing it. I'm not sure yet what I will receive when my card expires mid next year. It is nothing to write home about. As I stated above, it started out with the famous $200 limit.

    -ROTFLOL KHM :-D I didn't try that, but I may use sexual prowess to get that Platinum. It might work :-D

    George- The automated limit increase was by phone believe it or not. I was really surprised. Usually it was the old $100-$200 increase.
  9. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    KHM...You and chele chele kill me!!!

    Maybe she slept with him...<evil grin>

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