What about taking a cash advance up to your CL. By doing this at the end of a billing cycle, you would only have a few days of intrest. This month, I have used my Cap One cards to the limit. I plan to pay them off at the end of the billing cycle. Has anyone tried this? If so, what were the results? tix
The result would probably be a hefty fee. Try a BT, they might not charge a fee for that. Another option is to buy a fully-refundable plane tocket and return it after the cycle closes. Saar
Yeah, I just did this :::sigh::: Got so damn close I went *over* the limit!!!! I'm so ticked about it. I wonder if I pay it all off right away if they will bump my interest rate. Anyone know? L
Well, I don't know if it will help, but I would call them right away and be like, oh my goodness, I don't understand what happened, the charge went through, so I figured there was enough CL left. Offer to pay off a lot of the balance over the phone to bring it under in exchange for refunding the overlimit fee. I did this and got my $25 back, but I was only 1.80 over the limit...but it might work if you get the right customer service rep.
I did that last year, trying the same thing - I paid it down below the limit immediately, paid the fee immediately - they raised my credit limit, LOL.
Well ... If it were me I'd blame it on them. I did because ... YOU won't report the limit. Then when you get their sympathy, ask for an increase.
I did pay the fee and bring it under the limit immediately, but it seems like the CC companies bump interest rates for sneezing these days...lol. I *just* got a decent rate...would hate to lose it now. L
I think it's just ridiculous that we have to go out and charge to our limit just to get them to report it. Why can't they just do it automatically?
Christi, I agree. We only use our business cards from them since the business lines don't report on the personal reports. We sock drawered our personal Cap1 card months ago for this reason and will probably never use it again. It's Cap1's loss...and since we use our cards for virtually every expense for both home and business (including inventory) they're missing out....oh well. DemPooches
Oops...that typo should be corrected to read (excluding inventory). Thanks for noticing the error Tix. DemPooches