Capital One

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Larissa, May 17, 2002.

  1. Larissa

    Larissa Well-Known Member

    Hubby just got a Capital One Platinum MC and he hasn't activated it yet because despite the claim that the CL would be $2000 and his income of $40000, the limit is only $500. The reason he got it is because he wanted to use the 0% BT and $500 doesn't really do us any good. He already has a Gold Visa w/them w/$700 limit. DOes anyone know if he can combine these two cards? Or not because one is MC and the other VISA? Thanks

  2. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    He absolutely can....I Mr. Cooke
  3. Larissa

    Larissa Well-Known Member

    Should he call him or use PF? If call, do you know the number?

  4. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    1-800-955-1455 just need to PFB....good luck ask for an increase as well as APR reduction...if you don't get'll get at least one...good luck..let us know how it goes...
  5. aigle

    aigle Well-Known Member

    All the people I have spoken to at Cap1 told me that the Platinum has to be 6 months old to combine it with another account.
  6. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I combined 3 accounts into 1...and one was less than 6 months old....

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