I just got off the phone with Capital One. My call was to complain about their policy of not reporting credit limits to the bureaus. The reps response was "for competitive reasons" . Clearly Cap Ones customers come last, by not reporting limits, it has an appearance that customers are maxed out when in fact they may not be even near their assigned limits. I have been with Cap one for four years and not only are they tight on the line increases, but I Think we should all boycott this company that is so concerned with competitive business practices over their customers. Sean
Sean, I totally agree with you, Cap1 puts their interests above their customers. I recently applied for a Platinum card and they sent me a regular card. They should've had the courtesy to tell me that they couldn't give me the Platinum and offered me a regular card. I got their regular card with no terms and conditions, no percentages (intro and fixed) and no information about fees. What kind of customer service is this? I cancelled their card and I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. I don't like their bait and switch tactics and this lack of reporting limits is totally wrong and should be reported to the proper agency. BOYCOTT CAP1!!!
Public pressure, yes. Boycott? I don't see the point. The 2 top lenders (Amex and Citibank) do exactly the same. Their market share is much bigger than Capital One's. Saar
I FIXED MY AMEX PROBLEM WITH CREDIT LIMIT, I balance transferred 99% of my credit line to another credit card and now I have HIGH BALANCE almost what my credit line is. ONLY PROBLEM IS NOW I HAVE TO PAY IT OFF A.S.A.P. (I HAVE TILL JULY @7.90%) I'M PAYING $900.00+ PAYMENTS (MIN $300). I hope this will also will help me get the "already approved" credit line increase..(none for 17 months) and the 9.99% fixed rate (12.99% now).
Saar, I have citibank platinum select dividend..$10,000 limit...citi reports the limit to all three...Cap One is what ticks me off because I have m/c and visa plat. with them.....tempted to close both. Sean
Is it advantageous for building or re-building credit, to be at the low end (sub-prime) and NOT to have the limit reported. In other words if you have a limit of $200 and when listed does NOT include the limit but only shows the balance (0-200)? It may be that it hurts to have a cap1 PLATINUM if you have a balance of $4000 on a $5000 limit when the limit is not reported, but is GREAT to have a cap1 card with a NON REPORTED $200 limit with a $200 balance. Just a thought for the re-builder's and the builder's of Cap1 cards and not the credit worthy Cap1 hoilders. -Dave
Pester the heck out of Experia I just kept requesting my limits be reported, after sending them my statements twice and calling them it has been on there since January and still appears as of today. I also did this for my husband and it only took one letter for him. The first time Citi wouldn't verify, the nerve huh, and second time I KNOW they didn't even bother they just put the amount that was on my current statements b/c it was corrected in under a week. Mom