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CapOne Plat Pre-Approval~For Real?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Toothman, May 20, 2002.

  1. Toothman

    Toothman Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info, folks!!

    My letter did say "Pre-approved" as opposed to pre-selected so my hopes are high.

    I did find it strange they sent that to me since they denied my Cap One Secured 3 months ago. Oh well, I'll take the chance.

  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member


    Yes there is a difference. The guranteed approval card means as long as you meet the requirments (which from what I remember were that the applicant is over 18, has not moved in the past 30 or 60 days, and has not applied or been approved for a C1 card in the past 45 days) you've got the card. However, more than likely, unless you have high 600's scores, you'll get the baseline $500 credit line.

    With the pre-approval it means you can be turned down for the plat. card and could receive a gold, classic, or even a partially secured.
  3. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member


    I have recieved those offers as well. I got the $500.00 limit but my scores were in the hi 500's.

    Not a bad way to start out and if you behave, they increase your credit. If you play your cards right with them, you can build a decent limit in a year or 2.

    Actually, I recieved one in January and one in April.
    I have 2 plat. cards from them, low limits, yes.

    Good way to rebuild and they have some Plat. benifits such as auto rental insurance. Beats the hell out of Providian.

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