Car loan question...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Lori, Mar 26, 2001.

  1. Lori

    Lori Guest

    Filed for bankruptcy 6 years ago -

    I did get a car loan last year for a used car (saturn - not too happy w/it) - anyway my monthly payments are $379.54 - 19% interest for 3 years - have paid for a year already -

    To make a long story short, I never had problems paying this and now my fiancee & I have decided to split up - hence, I will never be able to pay my own rent & car payment at same time - - -

    Does anyone know can i refiance (the company that gave me loan says NO) - can i see the car even tho i dont have any money??

    Any help would be appreciated - thanks all!!!!
  2. Lori

    Lori Guest

    Obviously as you can tell I'm a bit distraught - I meant to say can i refinance the car or sell it??

    Sorry - have a million things on my mind -
  3. carl

    carl Guest

    First see if you can refinance it through a credit union. If not,
    Is there any chance of getting a personal loan at a better rate, paying off the car, and then making
    paying off the personal loan?
    If not, sell the car....sorry for your trouble.
  4. carl

    carl Guest

    First see if you can refinance it through a credit union. If not,
    Is there any chance of getting a personal loan at a better rate, paying off the car, and then making
    paying off the personal loan?
    If not, sell the car....sorry for your trouble.

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