Hello. Since I have been trying to pay down as much debt as possible I shredded my credit cards last fall. This Xmas I needed a little help, so I got some checks from my bank for my credit card. Convenience checks, I think they're called. Anyway, I used one at Yonkers for $100. I had plenty of room on my credit card mind you. I got a letter from a collection agency about 2 weeks ago stating that the check had been returned and it was going to get redeposited. I waited, that never happened so now they are saying pay us $100 plus $30 or else. As I said before, I had plenty of room on my card, I don't know why this particular check didn't go through. Others went through just fine. I am planning on disputing this, but what sort of dispute letter should I write? Explain what I said above, or just a simple letter saying I dispute the charges? Any adive would be appreciated!
All they have said is that they see no record of the check being cashed or returned or anything. I'm writing the collections agency today.