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CardRatings.com-Credit Card Ratings

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CFCCT, Apr 1, 2002.

  1. CFCCT

    CFCCT Active Member

    US Citizens for Fair Credit Card Terms, Inc.
    (CFCCT) http://www.cardratings.com
    is a grassroots organization devoted to consumer education that was founded on August 15, 1998 in Little Rock, Arkansas (CFCCT's Web site began operating the same month). CFCCT was founded in response to a growing national backlash against credit card debt. CFCCT provides an independent source of consumer information and is not owned or governed by any banking or credit card interest. Arkansas is an ideal home for CFCCT because credit cards issued by Arkansas banks have historically been viewed as being consumer friendly, particularly in regard to interest rates.

    CFCCT "fights" credit card debt by finding the most
    attractive cards in the country and disclosing this
    information to the public. Such disclosures help consumers
    lower their credit card debt and also encourage stronger
    competition among banks. Another role of CFCCT is to
    highlight credit cards that are consumer friendly in terms
    of rebates / perks. Since its founding, CFCCT has quickly
    become the most popular independent consumer credit
    organization devoted to credit cards on the Web. We have recently been featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and on PBS. To find out about awards we have won, please
    visit our Awards page.

    CFCCT is an independent source of consumer information and
    is not owned by any bank, credit card, or
    government interest. CFCCT does not charge consumers for
    its service. Instead, the organization relies on site
    sponsors for financial support.
    Information provided by CFCCT is intended for consumer use
  2. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Uh...I'm starting to see a pattern here...

  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Exactly. And I highly doubt that pbm is going to their site and leaving ads for this site.
  4. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Correction. Creditnet has left advertisments at Card Ratings site, that is how I found this site over a year ago.


    PS Cardratings has an excellent credit review/consumer review site. It describes and rates many cards (low interest rates, reward, damaged credit, etc). Also, consumers can rate a card and tell about their experiences with that bank. I use it alot for that purpose.
  5. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Oh, I wasn't objecting to the site itself; I've been there before, and it has a lot of good stuff to offer. In fact, I learned about Creditnet through some "cross-pollination" with Bayhouse. It's just the robotic, spam-ish nature of the reoccurring post that was a little disquieting, especially on a site that otherwise doesn't take too kindly to stuff like that...

  6. CFCCT

    CFCCT Active Member

    Glad you have found our site to be helpful and I appreciate your post. Please, however, do not associate our site with spam. FYI...we have had an agreement with CreditNet since about 1998 to post weekly on this board. In turn, we continuously display their ad on our site in our "Links" section.

    Best Regards,
    Curtis Arnold
    P.R./Marketing Dir.
    U.S. Citizens for Fair Credit Card Terms, Inc.
    501-663-0314 PH
    501-663-0033 FX
  7. pbm

    pbm Administrator

    Dear Members,

    Indeed, we have an an understanding with Cardratings.com which permits them to periodically post a message to this discussion forum in exchange for being featured on their "Partner links" page. On the rare occasion that we have advertised our discussion board on theirs (twice if memory serves correctly) Cardratings.com has not objected.

    We continue to trade links with Cardratings.com not because of the referrals we are getting (total of 16 referrals in March) but because we believe it to be in the best interest of our visitors. Not everyone who stumbles upon Straight Talk is familiar with every other credit-related discussion board on the Net. We can all agree that only a few of them are worth their saltâ??and in our opinion, their's is one of them.

    Although we are not able to measure the cross-pollination between our boards very precisely we do have strong indications that at least some of our members are active on other boards as well, including Cardratings.com's. Arguably we should be advertising this discussion board more aggressively. But the most powerful form of advertising remains word-of-mouth. So if you feel so inclined, please help spread the word about Straight Talk. :)


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  9. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I stand corrected. My apologies.
  10. hello

    hello Well-Known Member

  11. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Ditto here.

    Keep up the good work,


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