CA's Address

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by xtriscuit, Jul 12, 2006.

  1. xtriscuit

    xtriscuit Member

    May be a stupid question but the search option is very vague. How do I obtain an address on a specific CA?

    I purchased all three via (run by experian). There are no addresses with respect to each CA.

    I filed an online dispute which brought me to a page where I could view a "full report" with addresses of CA's reporting to Exp. but that was it, not the other two.

    Aside from just googling it, which isn't an exact science, is there another way? Will I have to purchase CR's from the other two?? AND did I just get ripped off by Exp?? lol
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Why don't you call Exp. and ask them where the addresses are?

    If they are selling what they claim are combined credit reports that are not even complete enough to actually use to dispute anything, you might want to file a complaint with FTC.
  3. xtriscuit

    xtriscuit Member

    Thanks, I will do that and see how that goes.
  4. trachkids

    trachkids Member

    What is the name of the CA?
  5. fun4u2

    fun4u2 Well-Known Member

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