CAs are gone. What's next?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Squeek, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    BOA or AMEX.
  2. fico4cash

    fico4cash Member

    Thanks Apex. My friend is having a tough time until his business picks back up in a few month's. I told him that becoming an AU would pretty much guarantee him a good limit CC (his scores are Equifax 695, Experian 685, and TU 687) but he doesn't really have it in his budget at the moment. Is there a decent limit card he would most likely qualify for NOW with his current scores? Again, his report only shows 2 installment loans and no revolving accounts. He would take money from this first card and purchase an AU account then apply for 1-2 of the cards previously mentioned. He makes great income ($100K+) but it's seasonal. Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated!
  3. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Juniper, BOA, HSBC Union Plus or the regular ones.

    Try Citibank USA if they BK'ed Citibank SD. That sometimes works.

    Washington Mutual may as well.
  4. abt

    abt New Member

    Just found seven negative items on my cr. I want all of them taken off. I know. Tall order. Thing is the accts at one time were bad but now are all pd off and have been for some time. Since there has been no letters to me, what is the best way in removing these? I ask at this post because of Squeek and their ability to remove neg. marks. What did you do and could you give me any advice?
  5. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Just dispute them through the credit reporting agencies. See what falls off. Take a goodwill approach for the items which remain and contact the furnishers directly.

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