Every time I send a request for validation to a CA they simply sell it to another CA. A couple have sent me a photo copied stack of old bills as validation but sold it off anyway. This has happend three times so far. What can I do? I also sent requests for verification to the CRA's when I got the CA's return receipt. The CRA's are either coming back with the debt validated or refusing to do an investigation because they had already done one. It seems to me that these methods are ineffective and a waste of money for return receipts. Am I doing something wrong? BTW these debts are about a year 2 years old and are no longer with the OC. Any advice would be greatly appreciated,
If the CRA refuses to investigate the old owners accounts, then you will have to put the pressure on the old owners to delete their outdated tradeline, or be sued. Then provide that letter & copy of the green card for that letter to the CRA, and demand an investigation of it through the CRA (so that you are protected from re-insertion of the tradeline without five days notice). With some CRA's a simple dispute will only work once, and you need to work up a paper-trail to get them to consider any future disputes.