CA's response to CRA verification request was via different account number. Violation

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by chrishytde, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. chrishytde

    chrishytde Member

    OC's response to CRA verification request was via different acct number Violation???

    Hi Everyone,

    Because of the great site, I've been going thru the OC verification step-by-step process.

    HFC had wrong data on a EX report. I requested verification thru the CRA.

    They replied with the corrected data...but with a different account number.

    Thus, I now have two listings. 123456789 (old number) and 123-456789 (new number).

    What are my options???

  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    If HFC is who I think it is they aren't a CA.
  3. chrishytde

    chrishytde Member

    THey gave the loan.
  4. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Household Finance? They aren't a CA.
  5. chrishytde

    chrishytde Member

    OK; I'm really missing a basic fact. I understood that a Credit Authorizer was the same as a OC. Correct?

    HFC gave the loan.

    So they are posting incorrect data. I've disputed with the CRA.

    What other options do I have?

    thanks for all your help!
  6. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Sorry, CA around here is understood to be a Collection Agency big difference.

    Are they posting two tradelines, or have they changed the account numbers since you disputed?
  7. chrishytde

    chrishytde Member

    Ooops. You are surely correct. My mistake.

    WHen they submitted the new data in response to the CRA inquiry, they inserted a dash in the numbers; and now there is two tradelines.

    thanks again for your help!
  8. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Dispute them BOTH as duplicates.
  9. chrishytde

    chrishytde Member

    Good idea.

    How can I use this mistake as leverage to get OC to remove tradeline?

  10. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    Is it a positive tradeline?
  11. chrishytde

    chrishytde Member

    No, it's not.


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