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CA'S validation attempt.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by GRTDLS, Jun 29, 2004.


    GRTDLS Well-Known Member

    I sent a request for validation to a CA. Yesterday in the mail I get a computer printout with my name on it and the amount I supposedly owe them and the date the OC supposedly charged the total off, hand written on the piece of paper. Please tell me how this can be validation? I could easily write this up myself and say that anyone owed me money. This doesn't prove anything. How do I respond to this? Please help!
  2. Godsaveme

    Godsaveme Active Member

    bump for ya i have similar questions
  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Is it correct? Is it your account?
  4. jeffsgirl

    jeffsgirl Active Member

    Me too. Just received a similar worthless printout.
  5. NyteAngel

    NyteAngel Well-Known Member

    Nope that is not validation. I am also dealing with pretty much the same thing - a fill in the blank letter (don't you LOVE the official feel of that ;) -- I am half tempted to send them one back stating THEY owe ME money *snicker*

    Anyhow, my real recourse will be to advise them that this is not validation, and demand removal basically. I am still working on drafting it - but sherman isn't so easy to deal with for me ;)
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

  7. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Do a search on Wollman Opinion.

    The Wollman Opinion, shows directly from the Federal Trade Commission, that a simple print-out, is not validation.

    But until you've told them that it isn't acceptable, techincally they have the right to presume that they've properly validated. Its one of the reasons that I refer directly to the Wollman Opinion in my validation letter, and then if they still try to send a print-out to validate the account, send them a second notice, with the copy of the first, and a copy of the Wollman Opinion itself.
  8. CRDTNogood

    CRDTNogood Well-Known Member


    Would you post one of your validation letters which cites Wollman??? Obviously leaving out the identifying info.../????

  9. CRDTNogood

    CRDTNogood Well-Known Member


    Would you post one of your validation letters which cites Wollman??? Obviously leaving out the identifying info.../????

  10. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Here's the snipplet which I use to mention Wollman in the letter.

  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    But until you've told them that it isn't acceptable, technically they have the right to presume that they've properly validated.
    When in business one is expected to know the rules and regulations applicable to the business they're in.
    You don't have the right to presume but rather the obligation to know.
    If you don't know it's your tough luck as ignorance is no excuse.

    The CAs know what's acceptable and what isn't or at least they should and if they don't they're skating on thin ice.
    Any thing less they send you is nothing but a stall tactic in an attempt to get the consumer side tracked.

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