Hi All! First things first...ALL my thanks and admiration to...WHY-CHAT, you were with me to the end...and Lizardking, lots of great stuff!!!!! Without the two of you I don't think I could have done it! Well as of 6/6/02 my journey in this segment of CREDIT HELL is OVER and I WON!!!! Search creditnet Here we go...to court I went to court for the first hearing and their lawyer didn't show...the judge said I scheduled the hearing too soon after filing and technically owed their side 2 days:{ So we rescheduled for the appropriate number of days and tried again...I was so nervous Their lawyer didn't show but sent a flunky and they fed exed a motion that morning stating I did not coordinate the court date with them and by the way they just remembered this was Not an open cc account but a written contract...So when we get to the hearing I'm Lost but as luck would have it the Judge was really pissed at this Lawyer and his flunky. He told the flunky that he didn't know what type of internal problems Mr.x's office had and he didn't really care but the had called the Judge's office no less than 15 times the day before trying to get the date of the hearing change to something more suitable for them saying they had not been duly notified of the hearing. The Judge let the flunky know in no uncertain terms that it was not Me the defendant that set the hearing date or sent the noticeof hearing but his office that had coordinated all that and he hoped the lawyer was not implying that the judge had done His job poorly. The Judge also let the flunky know that in order to proove his case, especially now that they were saying it was a written con tract the they better have a whole lot more proof than the one computer print out sheet that was a lawyer's lead sheet for pursing someone... I left the Judge's chambers wondering what would happen next... But in the mean time I sold my house and moved out of state and I been in the process of relocating since May (I'm still resdentially challenged Thank God for Cooprate Suites!) One day I go to my P.O. and there is a Letter from Dick Head, Atty at Law...hand trembling I open it and low and behold he with drew the suit never to return again... How was that for a bed time story kids! sleep tight and don't let the creditors bite! Bosslady
Goes to show the snakes are big talkers while hiding behind the telephone but when they actually have to show up in court and prove something they are just all BS...congrats on teaching the collection goons a lesson.
Congratulations! Now to make sure this account doesn't get resold to give you MORE aggrevation,(in case you have moved to a State with a longer SOL) You should write this jerk lawyer, with a copy to the court for insertion in your file, reminding them that ANY continued collection activity on their part INCLUDING sale or assignment to another collection agency, would be a violation of your rights under the FDCPA, and you reserve the right to bring charges against them with the Bar Association and file against them in civil court if they continue ANY further collection activities, including reporting to any credit bureaus. THEN after a few months, you should be able to get it disputed off the CRA's.
Ha ha - I have to tell you actually know a lawyer named that! Of course he doesn't go by "Dick" very often. Mommy2cats
Richard M. Cranium ESQ. I know him too. Way to Go Bosslady. Sounds like the judge was on your side. Gotta love it when that happens. Congratulations. -Peace, Dave
I was actually married to him, I think. Wait, no, this D. H. was an attorney? Because mine was D.D. Head (Dumb D. H.). Aw, well, same initials anyway. And, congrats..I'm so happy for you! ...Now married to P.C. (Prince Charming!)