CC question...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by wb61, Jan 1, 2003.

  1. wb61

    wb61 Member

    Does anyone know if Washington Mutual's secured card reports to the CRA's? I thought I heard that they didn't but I'm not quite sure. I need another secured card while I'm rebuilding my credit and I would really prefer to deal with a reputable bank. How about HSBC or Fleet? Both of these banks have secured cards...has anyone dealt with them? TIA!
  2. rfitzek

    rfitzek Banned

    I can tell you that Fleet reports to all 3. I have never dealt with a secured card so can't answer that portion.
  3. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Washington Mutual's secured card does report to the CRA's as secured. After 18 months they review for possible unsecuring of the account. Had no problems so far with this account. Hope this helps.

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