CC that pulls Equifax only.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LosAngeles, Jul 7, 2003.

  1. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: CC that pulls Equif


    Thanks for the kind words.


    what union did you use?
  2. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Hey neighbor -
    As far as i know - Atlantic Coast Federal pull Equifax exclusively.
    However - beware - they pull 2 hard inqs on Equifax - one day after the other - dunno why.
    On the good side - I believe that they give instant approval via their site - or at least they used to...
    check em out at:
  3. LosAngeles

    LosAngeles Well-Known Member

  4. LosAngeles

    LosAngeles Well-Known Member

    I decided to cancel the Target , 15.9% apr and $700 CL is not worth it.
  5. four20nik

    four20nik Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: CC that pulls Equifax only.

    Well...had a 696 with about 20+ inqs on baddies. Got instant approved for blue. Then, applied for Sky miles biz gold...they rejected that one, but countered with Biz Gold. 28 days or so later, (score was 728, 2 inqs, no baddies) I applied for Biz blue. Wasnt instant, but I got approved the same day.

    Not sure how I got approved for 3 within 30 days...applied for Costo rewards and got trhe "duplicate app" notation. Amex says to wait 90 days.

    The pers blue and biz gold were biz was approved through rep at new accounts. Simply stated that I was closing all my other tl's and switching to Amex because I liked them so much.

    As far as the inqs...I had 58 down to 3...back up to 7, due to *. But...when it slowed down, I just called them to dispute. They ALWAYS came off the next day. Hubby disputed and went from 33 to 12 overnight.

    We go through an eq affiliate, though, but I hear eq is just as gracious. If you get someone that wont cooperate, hang up and call back to talk to someone else. BUT...You cant, unles the inq was done AFTER the account opening dte reported (in which case you just say it should be a soft, not a hard), dispute ANY inqs tied to account approvals.

    Good luck!

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