Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by BOB, Apr 2, 2000.

  1. dw

    dw Guest

    RE: CCB for Joseph

    I hate to break it to you GS, but I don't think he even understands what bias means!! I'm not sure he even understands what anything means! He IS pretty stupid afterall. Stupid enough to continue posting here, just so we can crucify him as the idiot that he is!!

    Personally, I'm getting a kick out of his ignorance though. Nothing sharpens my sarcasm skills better than an idiot sitting prey to my exercising them!!

    (See what I have learned from being a former CCB card holder!!)

  2. GS

    GS Guest

    RE: CCB for Joseph

    Congrats dw, you have graduated top of the class you answered both questions correctly.
    Answer no.1 IDIOT
    Answer no.2 STUPID
    Those are 2 of the qualifications for
    employment at CROOKS COUNTRY BANK. I have to agree with you I love it when he posts up.
    It lets everyone on this board see why CCB
    is the bank to stay away from. Only a stupid
    idiot from CCB would come back day after day
    to get crucified on this board. If nothing
    else those young people coming here to find
    out which bank to get their first card from
    will see that CCB is the place to stay away from. Even those wanting to rebuild their
    credit will see to go with CCB is a disaster
    that will only hurt their credit more. But
    he has the rite to post his opinions and I
    believe in free speech. What I don't agree
    with,is someone who comes on here and lies
    to these people about how wonderful CCB is.
    Joseph is like the boy who cried wolf to many times, eventually EVERYBODY will see
    what a fool he is. I'm just glad I don't
    have to do business with CCB anymore, but
    maybe all of us can prevent others from
    making a serious mistake when it comes to CCB.
  3. dw

    dw Guest

    RE: CCB for Joseph

    Amen! I couldn't have said it better myself! What's even better, idiots such as Joseph only assist us in establishing a commradary that will eventually be the power behind their own downfall!

    It's great to know I keep such good company while on this board!!

  4. Meredith

    Meredith Guest

    Please anyone who wants go ahead and email me.

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