The CA Class Action settlement that CCB has proposed for the class action suit is NOT in your best interest if you are a fornmer or current cardholder. Cash settlement?..Nope. It give you one of 3 things: 1. a 125 dollar limit increase 2. 125 off your collection amount due 3. 50 dollars off your application for a new card (this offer is the most laughable yet..) You have until 1-2-01 to "opt out" and save your rights to participate in either a much more fair settlement in one of the other (2-4 class actions), but you MUST notify the proper entities to opt out. SILENCE MEASN YOU AGREE!!!!!...and if you are a former cardholder, you get nothing, and lose all rights. If you have lost your settlement notice, e-mail me immediately for info on what to do.. Time is running out!!...DO NOT let Rocco and his gang of thieves win...take the time to write the letter and mail it...and tell the courts that, once again, Cross Country Bank is screwing the people...and you won't stand for it...