Cdt Cards that will NOT accept a BK

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jim, Jan 31, 2002.

  1. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member


    That Equifax information is really shocking. I am really sorry to hear this. As you said, Target must be score driven since they gave me a decent LOC and apr. considering my BK.

    I hope you get EQ straightened out.

    Best regards,

  2. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    the good news is, I get to bust Equifax again. I truly believe they don't care about the bk now... just a score. My score sucks right now. I'm going to get all this corrected and then I'll reapply :)
  3. King

    King Well-Known Member

    I hope this does not sound like sour grapes but I thought more people would have had trouble getting credit cards with a BK and let us know about it. Maybe I should see this in a positive way. You know maybe it is is not that hard to reestablish credit after bankruptcy. By doing a search on the word, I realized that a BK is the kiss of death for Amex and Citibank. But a lot of people seem to have gotten along fine. My BK was in 97. I should have gotten a secured credit union card, FCNB etc. 4 years ago. But I didn't know any better.

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