Do any of you guys actually use CE service? i am debating whether or not I should even cancel it.. I've gotten so much use out of it the past 30 days..
It all depends how much more you need to "fix" on your report. It is very convenient to have. Charlie
I believe you can cancel your current account, then open a new one for another free 30 day trial, if you don't want to pay, but keep the service.
I cancel and then sign up again every fact I need to see when I'm due again to cancel. I have never had a problem with doing it this way.
I don't have it...BUT it may be worth the price just to get rid of inquires, and have daily access to your report...
Ender, IMHO, I think its worth it. It is a lot of money. But, that being said, paying $40 bucks to Equifax for 4 CR's with score can add up pretty quickly. If you figure around $12 for a report with a score or $40 for four, than you can justify that $79 gets you around 8 reports with score. But it doesn't, It gets you 365 reports with score, if your so inclined. Don't get me wrong. I think these crooks already make enough money and we should be able to get a free report w/score every month or so. But, if you're repairing. It's instant gratification. You pull up your report, you dispute, you check report 30 days later (or if you're like me every day) and see the results, then repeat. I can't tell you how psyched I was pulling up CE and seeing my score jump 48 pts. for one deletion. I would have paid $79 bucks just for that.
Technically, you can get more than 365 reports a year, you can get your report more than once a day. The reports don't just update once a day.
I tried this today and it gave me a message saying they could not authenticate my account. Have you got this message before?
YUP - worth the $79 bucks.... in my opinion - CE is well worth the money. I can view my credit score, reports, and any other credit data at any time, as often as I want. One nice feature is that if there is any type of activity or change to your credit report, they send you an action email. They have many "models" where you can see credit improvement and how to improve your scores. I recommend it - particularly if you are in rebuild or cleanup mode. best regards - dogman
Re: YUP - worth the $79 bucks.... Spend the 79. I just signed up and couldn't believe who had been looking at my credit the last 2 years. I am disputing inquiries on my new accounts. Just consider me 'in the dark since 97 and saw the light in 02'
Re: YUP - worth the $79 bucks.... Hey King - I agree completely. AND, I like the tables where you can see if you pay off all bills, your score increase 24, etc etc later - dogman