CE score up 44points

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by soup, Feb 19, 2002.

  1. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    since 2/12/02.....WOW and nothing has changed....back in the 600 club....CE score 605!
  2. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Mine went up 15. Now at 697. I can almost taste that 700.
  3. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    Excellent work, both of you!
  4. chriscraft

    chriscraft Well-Known Member

    Mine's up 30 points (to 678). 23 of those points were due to the deletion of a $440 derog that was due to fall off in two months, and the other 7 points were due to a 20% reduction in my revolving debt. Wonder what will happen when my recent $7,500 in paydowns on my installment loans show up? Or when my 20+ new accounts hit the one year mark? Or when the remaining two derogs on my report are finally deleted?

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