Celebrities and BK....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I never knew this but Meatloaf and Billy Joel filed BK. Meatloaf said he was sued for $85 million dollars!!!!! He said "I knew it got bad when I couldn't use my CC to pay for my electric bill anymore"

    I'm watching VH1, its about how being a rock star isn't that great, Behind the Music...
  2. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Yea, Billy Joel's manager embezzled millions from him. I think that is what ultimately pushed him to BK. BY the time he found out, it was too late.

    Do you think they are creditnetters in disguise?
  3. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Will the real Billy Joel please stand up!

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