Today we got a cell phone. Do you think that it will help or hurt our score? This was done in my hubbys name and his report is bare bones for EQ. He has 1 collection for 135 a 28 month I1 no lates mortgage, a 200.00 1 year old fingerhut card R1, and a 350.00 National City card that never reported after added.
Depends on if they report or not. AT&T Wireless reports, but other companies may not. Did ya ask them if they report? If they do, it'll be a positive tradeline for you as long as you pay it when you should. =-) Ozzy.
No we didn't ask them to report it. I will call when I get it in the mail and ask them to. I am pretty sure that they do report because I am repairing my Moms credit, and hers reports. Thanks