Certified Mail to CRA via Comp

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Carreonand, May 10, 2000.

  1. Carreonand

    Carreonand Guest

    Found this neat little site and thought what a great way to send your disputes to the CRA certified mail with a legal returned receipt all by the computer! Can you imagine, sending disputes by email with a legal certified receipt for your records! What a concept.

  2. inge

    inge Guest

    CRA e-mail address?

    great, so where do I mail to?
  3. Carreonand

    Carreonand Guest

    RE: CRA e-mail address?

    Every credit bureau has an email address on their website usually. Who knows if they will accept it but it is a thought!

    inge wrote:
    great, so where do I mail to?
  4. Craig

    Craig Guest

    RE: Certified Mail to CRA via

    Hi Karen,

    What a great idea for sending disputes, but I have one that may be better...It is www.certifiedmail.com ...I have been using it for several months now...works great...and best of all it is free for personal use. As for the CRA accepting it, I think it would be hard for them to explain why they refused it and the receipt that certifiedmail.com offers would be a great backup to send to the FTC...what do you think??? Best regards!

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