When one files a chapter 13 bankruptcy, the accounts included in the bankruptcy fall of the credit report when? Seven years from when files the BK, or 7 years from the completion of the BK?
Apparently its from the date of filing. I thought it was from the date of discharge, but some quick research proved otherwise. L
In my case it has been seven years from the Date of Last Activity, which in all cases, has been BEFORE the filing date. Just because accounts are included in a BK does not mean that they are not subject to the 7 year obsolescence period mandated by the FCRA. The BK date is irrelevant in these cases, unless the DLA is AFTER the filing date, in which case the accts included cannot remain beyond 7 yrs from the filing date of the BK. In most cases, though, all accts fall off before the public record entry because they were already past due/charged off before the filing took place.
Misunderstood the question...thought you were talking about the actual BK...not the included in accounts. L