Ch13 Filed: Now, Cleanup - How?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by NextLevel, Mar 18, 2005.

  1. NextLevel

    NextLevel Well-Known Member

    After about 3 months, the Ch13 is finally on file and the judge is in the midst of approval (2 weeks away). My atty feels 100% chance for approval.

    That being said, how do I start and maintain a strategy for post-Ch13 filing dispute and cleaning. Some questions I have are:

    -> Are the creditors who didn't state a claim now "ass out" and not able to collect a dime? I think they actually have another 30 days technically, but that's coming soon and it's going to look interesting. I may very well have $3000 worth of debt that isn't being vied for. If this was listed on the Ch13, but the creditors didn't claim or file anything, can I do something with them now?

    -> What about disputing everything that's listed in my current reports? This tactic would work only if I'm truly seeing a MIS-reporting of information.

    Thanks. I need to get a vehicle soon and I need to have as much chaff cleaned up as possible.

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