Challenge for Doc and a thought...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, May 4, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Several posts lately have made me wonder if it would be possible to negate the impact of closing more than two account within a six month time frame (per Marie's post). Someone (sorry, don't remember who) recently posted that they had requested a company to remove a positive tradeline when that tradeline was merged with another of the same company's cards.

    I'm wondering if Capital One would be receptive to this idea. I will have closed four accounts with them due to merging them all onto a different card. I'd rather not take the score hit, so I'm challenging Doc (and the rest of you who are able to write so well) to come up with a letter for us to try. :)

    What do you think? Will it work? Will a company mind removing a positive tradeline less than they mind removing a derogatory tradeline (which we all know is like pulling teeth)?

  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Just send a dispute...Not sure if the CRA's delete positive tradelines any easier than negative ones...I know it can be done, I have done it....I also know from personal experience they delete them (positives) even if you don't dispute them (TU). I do not think the creditors will alter/ammend/change/or delete anything that they feel is accurate, so I do not think such a creditor letter would get the job done any better than just a simple dispute to the CRA's.

    -Peace, Dave
  3. donna8284

    donna8284 Well-Known Member

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