Several posts lately have made me wonder if it would be possible to negate the impact of closing more than two account within a six month time frame (per Marie's post). Someone (sorry, don't remember who) recently posted that they had requested a company to remove a positive tradeline when that tradeline was merged with another of the same company's cards. I'm wondering if Capital One would be receptive to this idea. I will have closed four accounts with them due to merging them all onto a different card. I'd rather not take the score hit, so I'm challenging Doc (and the rest of you who are able to write so well) to come up with a letter for us to try. What do you think? Will it work? Will a company mind removing a positive tradeline less than they mind removing a derogatory tradeline (which we all know is like pulling teeth)? L
Just send a dispute...Not sure if the CRA's delete positive tradelines any easier than negative ones...I know it can be done, I have done it....I also know from personal experience they delete them (positives) even if you don't dispute them (TU). I do not think the creditors will alter/ammend/change/or delete anything that they feel is accurate, so I do not think such a creditor letter would get the job done any better than just a simple dispute to the CRA's. -Peace, Dave
Try altering the letter in this post to fit your situation. It's basically requesting the same thing you want however the accounts in question in this letter were fairly new I think.