FCRA 616 > 15 usc 1681 n. civil liability for willfull non complaince states 1 (a) any actual damages sustained by the consumer as a result of the failure OR damages of not less than $ 100 and not more than $ 1,000. 2) such amount of punitive damages as the court may allow, and 3) in the case of any successful action to enforce any liabilty under this section the costs of the action together with reasonable attorneys fees as determined by the court. so if I am interpreting this correctly, I am entitled to recieve my actual damages . how would one put a price on damages suffered ? is there other damages a court awards in addition to punitive damages would statutory damages apply here? now to change gears... FDCPA 807 false & miseading representations > 1692k liability & damages how is this $ figure calculated if you are not using the 1,000 method? since California has its own FDCPA in addition to the federal FDCPA how do damages apply here does anyone know? appreciate the clarification.