For the past 10 months I have received calls originating from a Capital One phone number and finally answered the phone to find out what it was about. Apparently a collection agency now run by Capital One is requesting payment of a credit card account (Not Capital One) that was charged off in june 1996. It is now beyond the SOL and does not appear on my credit report. I basically would like the harrassing phone calls to stop to put my wife at ease and am pretty sure I paid off thw account when I was approched by a CA years ago but have no proof. If I contact them in writing contesting the validity of the debt, is that grounds to have it reappear on my CR? What is the best way to handle this to stop all collection activity and to be sure it doesn't affect my credit which is now very good?
The first thing you should do it send a cease-and-desist letter to the CA/Capital One. This will stop all of the phone calls. At the same time, send them a validation letter. If they continue to call you after they receive the C&D, you will have a violation for which you can turn the tables and sue them. I know this is my first post, but I've been lurking and learning for awhile. Good luck!
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If it's from 1996, it's beyond SOL (depending on where you're located). It's also beyond reporting. You have nothing to worry about, but don't just bllow it off. If they sue (unlikely) and you don't show up, they get a default judgment against you. You're new here. Do some reading (all the threads at the top of the page). Do a search on "time-barred" and "cease and desist". Jam had started a good thread about this issue. Good luck!