charge off with Dillards

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whatever, Dec 18, 2002.

  1. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    I have an account with Dillards that is a charge off, It says on my CR that is is a charge off/sold, but I the only thing I remember is some lady calling from Dillards where I work severeal times and I told her to call me at home or send something in the mail. Neither done. TU shows a CO of 2 years prior to the other reports. (97 vs.99) SOL is 6 years for me.
    They verify eveytime I dispute.
    There is no CA reporting, have not gotten letters from CA or OC for this account. OC just verifies and updates TL every month now.

    Should I contact Dillards for repayment and deletion?

    What if Dillards says, you can pay, but now since X amount of time has passed interest, fees, etc are double the orginal debt?

    Should I just let this lie till SOL is past?
  2. rocket1977

    rocket1977 Well-Known Member

    Keep at it. I disputed Dillards three times on TU before they finally gave up and just let it fall off. Of course, mine was a paid charge off so that may make a difference.
  3. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    thanks...will update further at later date. Guess just let see what happens.

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