I just pulled my Experian report, and notice that there are tons of Charge Offs by various companies after the date of my Chapter 7 BK discharge. These are all for debts that were included in the BK. One credit card and another large revolving account of 17K reports a CO every single month, and has been for 2 years?! Also, all of my student loans show discharged in bk except one, which is also reporting as a charge off. Recently a show down with the CA assigned to it resulted in them falling off the planet without a word. So, my question(s) 1) Should I change the charge offs to be included in BK? 2) What kind of action can I take against a creditor that continues to report an item that was included in the BK? 3) If an item was charged off prior to the BK, and included in the BK, should I request that it be changed to "included in bk?" Since the BK is two years old...and I have a cc and a new car, I'm not concerned about the BK staying on my report...I just want the mess cleaned up so that my fico will improve. Thanks much for any info...