Chargeoff = Arrest Warrant

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by soup, Jan 5, 2002.

  1. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    This is Creditnet, not the principal's office. "Lisa Johnson is not required to come to C-office immediately." Updates are optional here. We like 'em, but they've never been mandatory. :)

  2. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone, no I wasn't arrested and as it turns out everything (I think) will be fine, I was just asking the boards opinion to see if I couldn't get a heads up for my brother, and not go into a bad situation blind folded. I find nothing more useful than information. Honestly, someone came across quite rude and arragant and I really didn't want to keep a thread like that going, so I haven't even logged on, I confess I'm addicted to credit repair info and have been lurking anyway. I was so aggitated with someones posts, when everyone here is usually understanding and helpful, that I really didn't want to post another message ever...maybe an over-reaction, but some things just came across nasty.

    Uniondiva and PsychDoc thank you for continuing to show compassion, it's people like you that make this board so great. Let's face it, when your creditworth is less than perfect and you've had problems, it's embarrassing, it's not the type of thing you just bring up to people you know or ask advice on openly and honestly because at times it's degrating.

    The reason I liked this board so much is because most of the people here can sympathize with past mistakes and problems. You can have animity and for the most part people don't judge on past mistakes but compliment you on your perseverance for imporvement.

    Anyway, I was a little upset, but I'm over it now. I've made alot of progess since I started this journey in June and am waiting for my CHOD results within the next week and I won't let one person keep me down...even though it was my brother's situation, I was actually embarressed(being related and all) and was going to log in under a different stupid is that. LOL
  3. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Yeah I'm with you on that PsychDoc! Nothing in pbm's rules that says anyone has to hit the reply button. Soup will post if and when she/he feels the need to. :)
  4. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member


    don't let them get you down. my scores are getting better but they were really.really bad. I used to get fustrated when i would ask a question and someone would 'hijack" my thread by talking about some damn platinum card.

    remember, bought sense is better than borrowed. you learned like a lot of us, what not to do. stay here and get what you need to get your credit fiixed for good!
  5. superadman

    superadman Banned

    No need to log in under another name. Come on, does it say "Soup" on your birth certificate or your driver's license? I apologize for poking at you, I didn't realize you were that overly sensitive. I would never pick on the physically challenged, mentally challenged, children or the elderly. Any of us that spent time reading the posts of your thread and replying with advice obviously have compassion for your plight. I think we all have better things to do if we weren't concerned. I'm glad that the situation looks brighter, but don't worry, be happy! The sky is not falling!
  6. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Thanx again Uniondiva....for the support and optimistic post :)))))
  7. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Soup I sincerely apologize if I hurt your feelings in any way. I promise it was not intentional! I am not very good at expressing myself and so my thoughts are not always made clear in my posts. I should just learn to keep my trap shut. Again I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. :-(

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