chargeoff paid in full

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dwarner, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. dwarner

    dwarner Active Member

    i recently got a overpriced interest loan to pay off all my debt on my credit bureau report. Now everything says chargeoff paid in full.

    1) does it look better on your credit report to have chargeoff paid in full or not

    2) how do i start to get these deleted from credit bureau report

    new to board. credit score 526.
  2. ranton

    ranton New Member

    well you should have asked for deletion for payment. if you could get it.
    But it is better to show paid in full I would think maybe someone else will weigh in
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    You still have the Charge off listed on your report.
    All you did was pay them for screwing you for the next 7 years.
    2*you make them prove you owe the debt before you pay them a nickel. If they fail to prove it you make them take it of your reports.
    If by some chance they actually prove it
    you pay in exchange for deletion in writing or you don't pay period.
    3*You probably paid several things that you did not have to pay and screwed your credit in the process.
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Although it may not help your scores in the near term, one area where having charge-offs paid might matter is applying for a home loan.
  5. dwarner

    dwarner Active Member

    there has got to be away to dispute or do something shy of selling blood to get this stuff off my credit. i don;t want to wait 7 years till they come off.

    What are some types of disputes i could use if any?

    any other ideas
  6. dwarner

    dwarner Active Member

    i probably couldn;t go back now and ask for delete eh?
  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    >This is the mistaken belief that causes folks to blindly try to buy of the negs on their reports it don't work because the same ding is still there. Paying it don't change the fact that it happened. Usually you're worse off after paying it than before.

    There is a right way and a wrong way to go about this.
    Chose the wrong one and you shoot yourself in the foot.
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: chargeoff paid in full

    There may be but you certainly narrowed down your options

    * you could dispute as not mine with the cras.I f you get lucky something may fall off.
  9. pansywaist

    pansywaist New Member

    Is there nothing you can do to take "paid chargeoff's" off your credit report? Im in a situation where I have no current debt, but had quite a few chargeoffs in past that are now paid, as well as delinquencies and such. They are all now closed and paid. Am I screwed or is there something I can do to take off these negative entries?
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    There is the nut case letter
    Anyone else have any other ideas?
  11. dwarner

    dwarner Active Member

    i have 3 capitol one chargeoffs. Has anyone ever use the nutcase letter with them?

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