They didn't have it for me either, George! The best they could do was from 18.9 down to 11.99 and 9.99 for BT's. They told me to try again for a lower rate in a few months when I've had a longer history with them. They've had my mortage for 4 years for God's sake!!!! mysti_summer
MY CARD IS 2 YEARS OLD!!! I guess I should be happy with the 0.00% BT TILL AUG 2003...BUT OTHERS CAN GET IT~WHY CAN'T I???
Sorry to hear about the bad news George. I'm really stunned to hear that these companies are so unwilling to go the distance and give a little more for a responsible and dependable customer like yourself. After all, as you mentioned you have 24+ years of perfect payment history, score close to 800, no negatives...what else are they looking for in a customer? Do they ever give any specific reasons why exactly they won't be more flexible with someone with your excellent track record?
Sorry GEORGE....guess I can forget Chase switching me from 2.9% BT for 6 months to 0% BT for 12 months. Oh well, let me go smoke a cigar and sob.
I got 2.9% for 9 months without them even knowing who I was. I called and complained that my wife keeps getting 0% and all I ever see is 7.9. They even offered 0 if I wanted to switch from Continental card to regular chase platinum. I say keep calling til you get a friendly rep.
No, they never give George a specific reason other than the fact that they have singled him out for bad treatment. Oh, yeah, I forgot one other thing. George has admitted already having about one-hundred thousand dollars in available revolving credit lines. That would discourage most new creditors from jumping on board irrespective of ones FICO score and history. But, other than that, basically it comes down to just one thing as far as George is concerned: Lack of respect. Doc
Sorry to hear you didn't get it George. Well, I am very happy with them. I've only had the card since 7/02 and I've only charged on it 2x for very small amounts like $10 I guess I must have a really high internal score. I even transferred my Cap1 balance and closed that account. Too bad they didn't give it to you. I'm glad you've had better luck with Amex. I haven't they are a bunch of scumbags. I will rarely use that card after the 0% purchase rate comes off.
Damn, that's crazy! I got the 7.9 and I just got the card in August. I have a measly limit as well ($2000). It's not even a Platinum card. It may be because of your current 0% offer that's preventing them from offering you a better go-to rate. I'd suggest trying again after the BT offer is over.
I can understand creditors being wary of CL increases in this case but I don't understand not offering a good interest rate.
I'd say anti-semitism - but I don't think George is Jewish I'd say homophobia - but I don't think George is gay. Honestly. George - I'm like totally STUMPED! But - at this point - i'm simply - NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!
That is what ours is and we called them and the rate was 12.99 and asked them to lower it. They immediately did and mailed us a letter stating 8.24% was a fixed rate and wouldn't go up for the life of the card.
George, based on what you've posted here and information I've read on CCC's internal scoring systems, I don't think the issue is outright discrimination of some type, like MarkLA mentions above, but is based on the one indicator that is not talked about much with regard to credit scoring: payment pattern. With no lates, long history, and high available balance ratio, payment pattern is not going to negitively affect your FICO score very much. But that information is available on your credit report, & I think CCC's look at it, whether from a profitability standpoint or just a fear of anyone too far from "normal." (hey, isn't that most of us? ;-)
Got an E-MAIL sending my problem to the "OFFICE OF THE C.E.O." OK~maybe I will get action??? But what is the "BIG DEAL" give other people the lower rate...WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???