Chase credit card ??s

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by christi523, Aug 27, 2002.

  1. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member


    Considering the rest of your credit picture, it's sure worth a phone call to them to give it a shot. You never know if a computer just kicked you out without a human ever giving your app any individual consideration.

    It can't hurt to make the call....and you might get a nice surprise.

  2. outofdebt

    outofdebt Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't waste your time asking them to reconsider. I applied with Chase two months ago and got turned down due to a BK from April 1995. After Chase said no, I applied with Citi and got a 5K Illumina card (go figure)! A few weeks after that, Citi also approved me for a 1K AT&T Universal Card.

    This makes me think that Chase isn't BK-friendly. Have you tried Citibank or Capital One by any chance? Cap One gave me a 6K MC a few years ago. Just a thought...good luck.
  3. outofdebt

    outofdebt Well-Known Member

    Well, maybe I'm wrong. DemPooches probably knows more about this than I do. I guess a phone call wouldn't hurt. But please consider Cap One and Citibank. They've been good to me, even with my BK from 1995. Hang in there!!
  4. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    I'm w/ DemPooches. A phone call can't hurt and your credit picture looks pretty bright apart from the BK. Even go as far as asking for a Manager (above supervisor) if this card is important to you.
  5. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member


    No, I really don't know a bit more about dealing with Chase than you do. I have no experience in dealing with CCs and BK so the effort may be futile as you indicated.

    My point was only that if the credit picture is good otherwise, it's not a great loss to take a couple of minutes to make one call. Fortunately, they can't shoot Christi for making one more attempt. :)

    I was really glad that I was on the phone with them when they decisioned my app, because if I hadn't been, my CL would have been 2K instead of 5K. Sometimes that personal touch does make a difference.

    It would also be great if after discussing reconsideration Christi could find out if Chase credit reps do have ANY flexibility to approve with an existing BK and if so, what makes the difference. That would be of great value to lots of folks I'm sure.

  6. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the opinions! I guess it can't hurt to ask. I just faxed a letter to the reconsideration dept at Chase. I will post their decision as soon as I hear back.
  7. outofdebt

    outofdebt Well-Known Member

    Good luck, Christi. I was thinking if they have to do a second hard inquiry, you might not want to ask them to reconsider. But if all it takes is a phone call or fax, then go for it (DemPooches is definitely right)!

    Please let us know how it all turns out and good luck once again!
  8. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Oh no, I didn't think of them having to pull another report. Why would they do that if they just pulled a report on me on 8-28-02? It was only six days ago.
  9. outofdebt

    outofdebt Well-Known Member

    I doubt they'll pull a second report, but I've heard of it happening before when you apply for a credit card. I don't know if it's just human error or some sort of crazy process.

    Maybe you could call them again to make sure that they're not going to do a second inquiry?
  10. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

    Be careful with Chase, at the time that I activated my card (1 month ago). I asked them to reconsider my credit limit. They pulled a second credit report. This was no more than 4 days later! I have requested them to remove the second inquiry, because I wasn't advised they would be pulling a new report, but they are giving me the run around.
  11. ingenue

    ingenue Well-Known Member

    I applied for a chase card with one 6-year-old derog (paid but was late 90+ days) and about 90% utilization. Applied for platinum with 0% BT offer, received their Classic with Alternate (or some other A-word) pricing, which is their product assignment that automatically retracts the BT offer. Limit = 1K. SHAFTED! I called within a week to get them to change the terms, but the rep would not budge.

    I asked them what report they based their decision on, and the guy said Equifax. But he didn't sound very sure.

  12. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Well I just wanted to post an update. I sent a reconsideration letter via fax to Chase. I called this morning and was told that I was again denied due to the bankruptcy. So I guess If you have BK on your file-don't even think about Chase. I guess I will have to stay sub-prime for years to come. I don't think there are any prime lenders willing to take a chance on a person who has had a bankruptcy.
  13. outofdebt

    outofdebt Well-Known Member

    Try Citibank or Capital One. I have platinum cards from both of them at good APR's and I filed ch. 7 in 1995.

    Don't give up! :)
  14. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member


    I do have a Cap1 Platinum card. I just got the card unsecured, but my limit is only $900 at 14.9%. I can't even get an increase until Dec. I don't know about applying for Citibank. I included my Choice Citibank Visa in my bankruptcy and I think I may be blacklisted from being approved. My scores are pretty good though, but I am still leary about applying for Citibank. My TU as of today is 702,EQ is 652 and my EXP is 635. I guess I'm just not ready for any prime cards right now.
  15. outofdebt

    outofdebt Well-Known Member

    Yeh, don't apply with Citi then if they were part of your BK. I included Discover in my BK and they won't touch me with a 10-foot pole now! Can't say that I blame them really :)

    Hang in there, it just takes time. After my BK I started with a Cap One secured card ($500 limit, 15% APR). Now I have an unsecured card from them ($6,000 limit, 11.9%). You'll get there, don't worry!

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