Chase sucks!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by GRTDLS, Jan 5, 2005.


    GRTDLS Well-Known Member

    I am so mad!! I had a classic visa card with chase. The rate was 18.49% and the limit they gave me was $1100, I called them after having the card for 6 months. They said they could give me a visa platinum card at 9.24% interest. The next day I called them back because I forgot to ask about a credit limit increase. They said they would put a request in. Come to find out today that they said they could not increase my limit because I had some accounts that were currently late. Well NONE of my accounts are reporting late. I monitor my credit everyday! I don't even see anywhere that they pulled my credit (hard or soft pulls). The only other credit card on my account is a Kay card with a $2500 limit and $0 balance. I am furious!! A platinum card with a $1100 balance! What a crock of sh**!!!

    TU Score: 677
    EXP Score: 642
    EQF Score: 639
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Have they sent you an adverse action notice indicating which CR they pulled?

    GRTDLS Well-Known Member

    Not yet. It is probably on it's way.
  4. greyfox

    greyfox Well-Known Member

    I've had a Chase platinum for about 4 years with at 2800 dollar CL and they have refused an increase every time I have called. I had a great APR with them of under 6% for a year or two, and they jacked the rate up to 12.99. I have absolutely clean credit with everyone. I just zeroed out the account and am thinking about closing it. I understand that they are affiliated with Bank One. Bank One sent me offers every week last spring, and I finally accepted one...whoo hoo guess what? A Platinum card with a 1500 limit. I waited six months for a CL increase never used the card, and when none was forthcoming, closed the account. I agree that Chase sucks!!
  5. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Hmm.. I guess it all depends on who you talk to. I think chase is ok, because they raised my limit from $5000 - $11,000. I never even asked for the increase... I just checked my account a few months ago, and noticed the increase. So, they never pulled a hard inquiry.
  6. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    I agree about Chase...
    I have never asked for an increase from them...started out at $5000 in 1997, and they have increased me every year by at least $1000, right now my limit with them is $15,800!

    Also APR is fixed at 8.?% - never raised or lowered!

    I have a spotless payment history with them, and also used it to charge some business trips for a few thousand dollars at a time, which was immediately paid back the following month when I received reimbursement from my company
  7. cocomad

    cocomad Member

    Chase can be very tricky and deceptive if you have a high amount owed to them and/or any other creditor. They also get upset when you use another product more than theirs.
  8. MisterX

    MisterX Well-Known Member

    I just got off the phone with a Chase Account Specialist (1-800-648-5588 Chase Credit Services Center)... Requested a lower APR. Currently at 10.49% and got it down to 7.99% fixed.

    I've only had the Ultimate Rewards Platinum card for about 7 months. Initial APR was 8.49% but has been slowly creeping up. Thought it would be good to nip this in the bud before the APR got any higher.

    Rep was really nice. Her name is Sylvia. She said she could have lowered my APR a little more to maybe 6.9 or 5.9, but the system wouldn't let her since I am still using my 0% b/t offer.

    She said to call her back after it ends in a few months.

    Please bear in mind that this is really the first rep I've spoken to at Chase that was professional and helpful... I must have called 5 or 6 times over the course of the week before this, and those other reps were rude and not willing to budge on anything.

    When dealing with cc companies, persistence pays off. If you are denied one day, call back the next day to speak to someone else, or ask to talk to a supervisor. You may get transferred, hung-up on, or just told flat-out that "nothing is available for your account."

    But just keep trying, the squeaky wheel gets the oil!

    Cc companies make it difficult for customers to get better deals because they will be paying out of their profits for your lower APR, or waived fee, or higher CL!

    But since there is so much competition amongst cc companies for customers, and since it costs about $200 to get a new customer, they will many times bite the bullet to keep you happy. The truth of the matter is that the majority of customers never call to negotiate the terms of their ccs.

    Sorry to have temporarily hijacked this threat. Most of this info is taken from an excellent article at "Want a lower credit card interest rate? Just call and ask!'

    Only thing I would advise against is closing your account if they do not grant your requests... this move may affect your FICO score, lower your average age of accts, etc. Plus, you can't get what you want if you take yourself out of the game, can you?

    Mr. X
  9. MisterX

    MisterX Well-Known Member

    Just a quick update... Chase rep lied about lowering my APR to 7.9%... it's still at 10.24...

    Also, I gave in and requested a CLI. Rep asked for annual household salary, work address, and how much of an increase I wanted.

    I said I wanted 20K (8K more). Contrary to what other reps have told me, Chase pulled TU (my best report about 780 fako) and NOT EX or EQ.

    Was approved for CLI. Although the rep said the request would take 2 to 3 biz days to process, it showed up the next day on-line.

    Mr. X

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