Chase / Toys R US Visa

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KevPochop, Oct 3, 2004.

  1. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    I applied online for the Toys R US Visa card issued through Chase. Took a week for them to give their approval but was approved for $8000. I was very pleased.
  2. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member


    Now just hope that Toys R Us stays in business. I heard they were having some troubles.
  3. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    I spoke with Chase today regarding balance transfers. They told me if I decide to transfer any additional balances to my new Toys R US Visa they would increase my credit limit an additional $7000 to make it a total $15000. I was VERY pleased! :)
  4. cem406911

    cem406911 Active Member

    Congratulations on both your new card and your limit!

    I was wondering, if you could tell all of us what your score/s was/were for the CRA/s they checked.

    Also, any recent derogs.

    Any insight would be nice... y'know, beyond what can be found at whopulled... @yahoo.



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