check collection question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by anbro, Feb 16, 2004.

  1. anbro

    anbro Well-Known Member

    The check had both my and my fiance's name on it. However, it only had my signature on it.

    Can they put it on her credit report? Seems like this one should be relatively easy?

    My strategy at this point is to offer a pay for deletion for my credit report, and dispute hers as not her debt. Is this sound, or should I offer the pay for deletion on both accounts? I figure doing that might make it too obvious that it's really mine though.

    I searched for any info regarding this but I didn't find anything. Thanks in advance for any help! :)
  2. jenz

    jenz Well-Known Member

    if the account was in both names, it would go on both.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  4. anbro

    anbro Well-Known Member

    Ok, it belongs on both then. So on my "pay for deletion" letter, I should specify that it needs to be removed from both credit reports in all bureaus, correct?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  6. anbro

    anbro Well-Known Member

    Thank you, sir!
  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: check collection question

    Make them show you the orignal check before you pay.
    don't settle for a forged copy .
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: check collection question

  9. lakpr

    lakpr Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: check collection question

    What lbrown said .....

    I read cases on creditnet before where someone paid one CA the alleged check amount for deletion, only to see the same check passed off to another CA ....

    You need to have the original check back ....
  10. anbro

    anbro Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: check collection question

    So I need the original check back then, not a copy?

    Somehow I doubt they are going to want to do that. I was just about to ship off a "offer to pay in exchange for deletion" letter today, should I amend it to say they need to send me the check too?

    hehe, you learn something new every day

    edit: Is there a specific way to request the original check? I wouldn't think they would want to send that, as it's their only evidence that I owe them a cent?
  11. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: check collection question

    Maybe get them to sign something ahead of time that this will settle the matter in full, the tradelines will be deleted, and they will return the original check within 5 days of receiving payment.

    Keep that document, if they don't return the check, see if you can get a lawyer to write to them.
  12. anbro

    anbro Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: check collection question

    Ok, here's the letter I'm using:

    I guess I need to add something about giving me the original check then.
  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: check collection question

    Make them show you the orignal check before you pay.
    don't settle for a forged copy .
  14. anbro

    anbro Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: check collection question

    Well, this certainly sounds like it would make things a lot easier, but I'm really not sure how I'm going to get them to give it up before they have money, considering if they give me the original, they definitely don't have any evidence, which I'm certain is the point of the whole exercise.

    Is there some law that says they have to do so?
  15. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: check collection question

    Is there some law that says they have to do so?
    ><- <>- ><- <>
    Is there some law that says you have to pay from a check copy?

    I have had someone try to con me 3 times using doctored photo copies of checks.
    Had I accepted photo copies rather than the original checks I would have gotten bilked all three times.
  16. crowmom

    crowmom Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: check collection question

    Do you still use this checking account? If you do, then some slimeball CA has all your checking info. Do you trust them to not re-deposit this check? Think of it this way: if you wrote a check to someone, then decided to pay in cash, you'd get the check back from them, wouldnt you? Just politely ask them to send you the original check back after they receive payment. I don't see why they'd object. Your real problem is going to be getting them to delete this from your credit reports. Is $110. the full amount owed, or are you trying to settle for less?

    Is this with a CA or OC?
  17. cannoda

    cannoda Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: check collection question

    The check is a negotiable instrument, similar to a promissary note. Until it is cancelled or destroyed, anyone holding the check can demand the amount of the check from you.

    The only proof that you have that a check was paid is to have the original check returned to you (or your bank who cancels it if/when paid).
  18. anbro

    anbro Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: check collection question

    Ok, that completely makes sense. No, I don't use the same bank/account anymore, however I suppose they could probably attempt to deposit it again and come after me again because it was returned.

    I'll demand the check as a condition of payment.

    This is a CA. It went to the OC (it was a freaking newspaper :\ ) just before I moved out of town. Then, as far as I can tell from the credit report, they sent it to checkrite, who sent it to global payments check recovery or something like that, who sent it to these people. All 3 are on my credit reports as collections, although only two are on each credit report.

    This begs another question: Can more than one collector put a notation on your credit for one collection? How do I go about getting rid of the extra ones? Offer to pay each one for deletion, even though they already sold the account?

    I remember reading something about this, but I forget what it was called, so I'm not quite sure what to search for.
  19. crowmom

    crowmom Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: check collection question

  20. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I'll demand the check as a condition of payment.
    Again I repeat do not pay them anything before you see the original check.

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