Please tell me what you all think, I took out or replaced all the personal info with nonsense info... October 18, 2004 Meany Collections Agency 5996 Werewolf Ave, Nile, Egypt P24S60 ID Number : XXXXXXXX Re : OC Account # : XXXXXXXXXX Dear Sir or Madam, This letter is in response to your collection letter dated on October 4, 2004 for the amount of $XXXX.XX. I must inform you at this time that I dispute this account in its entirety and demand my rights for validation of this debt. I have contacted OC myself and after waiting on hold for a long period of time, they have found no evidence of me ever owing them anything. I spoke to a supervisor at OC and explained that I have been banking with the same bank for the past 11 years and made sure that they are in no way affiliated with my bank. This lack of knowledge about me has led me to believe that this account is invalid and must be investigated immediately. For my validation request I am entitled by the law to see the following: A proper statement of account which includes the first charge to the last charge with every penny that is claimed to be accounted for. This statement of account must be provided directly from the OC, it cannot be a mere printout of what you have on your computer and must not be any older then 30 days from date of request. An original contract showing my signature, terms of the contract, the list of rights to sell the account to a collection agency and the right to add fees for such collection attempts. An agreement between OC and the Meany Collection Agency (MCA) that names MCA as an "associated entity" and empowers you to even send me a bill in the first place. Proof that MCA is licensed for the State of Egypt and licensed to collect a debt in Africa. I will allow 30 days to send all of these items to validate this debt. Lack of response to this request or lack of all these items within the time requested will assume that is debt is void and I will expect a letter of apology clearing my name of such debt. This is an attempt to validate a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Sincerely,