checks to collections

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Susan, Oct 11, 2005.

  1. Susan

    Susan Active Member

    If I had some checks from back in 2001, can I dispute them the same way that I would a credit card or do I not have a case against that since it was a bank account check and would be in the department of fraud? if I cannot use this approach what ways can I go to get this off my records?
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Were these actually your checks, on your account, made out by you to someone you intended to pay?

    Are these on one of the 3 CRA reports, or on ChexSystems?
  3. Susan

    Susan Active Member

    yes I did mean to pay them but the check had bounced. How do I dispute this? and It is on chexsystems as well as on my credit report

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