Chevron & Macy's Key Contacts

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Quixote, Jun 29, 2002.

  1. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    Here u go, its the same goodwill that marci and the good Doc use(d)

    Mr. James Zimmerman, CEO
    Federated Department Stores
    7 West Seventh Street
    Cincinnati, OH 45202-2424

    May 23, 2002

    Re: Account No# XXXXXXXXXXXX

    Dear Mr. Zimmerman,

    I am writing a letter about my experience with Federated Department Stores that is a mixture of a grateful "thank-you" and a pressing request concerning a trade line in my credit files that I would like to have revised.

    I received the Macyâ??s (formerly Bullocks) charge card in December of 1991. In January of 1999, I was laid off from my job. When this happened I became disorganized with respect to making timely payments with Macyâ??s. I fully recognize my responsibility with respect to payable accounts and have worked diligently to rehabilitate my relationship with Macyâ??s, and have since satisfied the balance due in full.

    To be honest, that year was a "wake-up" call for me regarding fiscal organization. Since then I believe I have learned the essential organizational and financial management principles I desperately needed at that point. Thankfully, responsible credit management is now reflected in my credit records which -- excluding the Macyâ??s charge card late entry -- are excellent. I wish to thank you for renewing your confidence in me and for giving me a second chance at a relationship with you, one that I am determined to keep spotless.

    I am preparing to shop for a mortgage, and it has come to my attention that the late notations from Macyâ??s may preclude me from taking full advantage of the very lowest interest rates now available. Since those notations do not reflect my current status with Macyâ??s, I am requesting that you give me a second chance at a positive credit rating by revising those trade lines. Your customer service representative suggested that I write you for a "goodwill adjustment." I sincerely hope that there is redemption at Federated Department Stores, and I beg you for such consideration. Please let me know if any additional documentation would assist in reaching a positive outcome, and I thank you again for the time you have spent reading this letter.


    good luck

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