iamsamiam: I just finished applying for an E*Trade account. I was able to get all the way through to then end where you print stuff out. I didn't recieve any "approved" or "denied" from them. Please tell me this is a good thing.
You should be okay, I got that far also and was concerned that maybe I did not get it. I called in last night and they told me that if I did get that far everything was okay. I also called today to find out where to wire my deposit and questioned the poor man relentlessly, I asked if all the checks were done and if this meant approval and he said yes. Call in with your social security number and they should be able to help you out. Sounds like an apporval to me!
Congrats aren't in order yet, I checked our Equifax reports and they didn't run our credit through them, will get Transunion later. I am wondering if this really has worked? Hopefully, it is not one of those things where you send in your deposit and THEN they check out out. That would be a tragedy, anyone here have an e-trade bank account?
Here is an article on Chexsystems: http://moneycentral.msn.com/articles/banking/basics/9035.asp?special=msn Charlie
I got Chexsystems off my employee's report by opening a IRA account at my Credit Union, and a savings. They then asked him if he wanted a checking, and he said why not. This is while he had a dispute with Chexsux. 15 days later they deleted the item. A bank told him that the bank that had the negative on it was horrible about leaving it on your report even if you paid it. He just did an end around using a Texas ID card instead of his DL. I found that it is one of the identifing factors. Charlie
Quick question here. Someone said inquiries on chexsystems can be negative. My wife has like 12 or 13 inquiries. 9 of these are from her current workplace when she applied for a job there. She works at a bank and they pulled multiple times a day(why I will never know). This was 1 1/2 years ago. She got turned down for opening an account at generations bank with a 630 experian score and a clean chex systems. Could it be that all those crappy inquiries are the reason she was turned down. Could the banks internal system(generations bank says it has a certain scoring system) think maybe she is trying to open tons of bank accounts. And finally, when do those stupid inquiries fall off> thanks
MIL bounced 3 checks on her account this past week. No doubt this will be reported to: Chex systems. What disturbs me about that is not too long ago my name was added to her checking account. I do not make deposits or write checks on the account or use it in any way. The only reason my name was added was to make it simpler to access the funds in the event something happened to her. Am I responsable for the bounced checks in any way? How likely is it that I will be listed on Chex Systems
Yes, sadly, inquiries do count against you if there are more than 3 in a 90 day period. You can dispute the inquiries. In all the things I have read about Chexsystems, for the life of me, I do not know when the inquiries fall off exactly. The FAQ section says that each report submitted to ChexSystems remains on our files for five years, so I am guessing 5 years?
I think you will be listed only if you are a joint applicant on the account. I am wondering how you are reported on the account according to the bank's records. For instance, Bank One will report ANYONE who is listed on the account to Chexsystems.