Chex Systems

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by gingernyc, Nov 2, 2004.

  1. gingernyc

    gingernyc Active Member

    How do i handle them? I had a negative balance on my bank account last year and i paid the negative balance and closed the account.

    Come to find out that Chex Systems reported that i JUST paid the balance on 9/15/04, when i originally paid it on 5/03.

    How can i get this off my Chex Systems report, I never encountered anything like this before.
  2. IrishDiva

    IrishDiva Well-Known Member

    Do you have proof (i.e. a money order copy or receipt from the bank) to show that it was paid in full? Also, who did you pay - the bank itself? You could ask them to remove it from ChexSystem - I had an old bank of mine do that when I close an account and moved, and an auto debit went through.

    They don't have to remove it but it doesn't hurt to ask!

    If you paid ChexSystem directly, they should update it for you with the correct date. Or you can challenge the validity since they have the wrong date.

    Good luck.
  3. JTrain

    JTrain Well-Known Member

    You should dispute the information because it is inaccurate. Chex is a credit reporting agency and is bound by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

    Go to There is a section under Member Forms - General Discussion entitled Chex Help Removal.
  4. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, that link didn't work for me. It gave me a "Page Under Construction" message and said there was no default page.
  5. FicoSux

    FicoSux Well-Known Member

  6. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

  7. CRDTNogood

    CRDTNogood Well-Known Member

    Dispute with Chex, and I'd send a dispute to the Bank. They are a furnisher of information. Make sure the language of the dispute with the bank states, "Until you hear from me otherwise, I dispute this debt and please mark your files accordingly."

    That triggers the dispute notation requirement. The dispute with Chex will trigger the investigation. They will likely send a one page fax to the bank. The bank will click on their computer, and parrot the information on the Chex fax and fax it back to them, which Chex will say, VERIFIED.

    Then do a PR request to Chex asking for the EXACTS used, not the general procedures. Ask what date Chex sent the investigation request? Who sent it? Who was it sent to? How was it sent, phone, mail, fax? Who responded? What specifically was written... They won't answer it, but it sure looks good when you go to file suit against them both for not having standards in place and the bank not including the notation requirement... The bank may say, we notified chex of the dispute, and Chex will say we only parrot, I mean report what the Bank tells us.

    Needless to say, the failure to include the notation of dispute will occur and you've got an action.

  8. gingernyc

    gingernyc Active Member

    I have a cancelled check to the collection agency I paid the balance to.

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