Chexsystems class action maili

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Melissa, Mar 23, 2000.

  1. Melissa

    Melissa Well-Known Member

    I recently was given the honor of taking over the Chexsystems list on onelist. The intent of this list is to prepare a class action suit against Chexsystems. (and/or the banks that use them to discriminate) The list has been pretty quiet, but anybody who has been afftcted by Chexsystems is welcome to join and prepare to become a part of the action. I'm hoping to get some links added to the list, we have about 200 members right now, and welcome many more!

    go to onelist and subscribe to the list named "chexsys" or send an email to with the subject line:subscribe. Also, feel free to take part in our current survey

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