ChexSystems deleted, then put back

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kellyscott, Jan 16, 2002.

  1. kellyscott

    kellyscott Well-Known Member

    ChexSystems deleted info on me as the bank did not verify within 30 days. About a month later I got a letter saying the bank now verified it and the entry was put back on my ChexSystems file.

    Is the next step to ask ChexSystems for copies of the "proof" that the bank used to verify the information?

    Any suggestions?

  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I think so .Anybody else.?
  3. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I think you should treat them like a CRA. Make them give you a procedure sheet.

    That is just my opinion.
  4. star

    star Well-Known Member

    Hi, I think I can help you, back in nov I disputed 2 bank accounts with chex, I kept calling near the end and I kept being told no one has verified either account as of yet, I called on day 31, the girl said neither was verified and it will be off your report in a day or two, I called on day 33 and she said the mangeger at chex called both banks herself to verify(on day 33), I blew up and told them they were to have it off on day 30 and cant go calling AFTER, that it was to come off since no one verified, she agreed to delete, but told me it would go back on very soon, when the banks did respond, and yes it did go back on a week later, but I caught them in so many lies, they said it was off on a certain date, yet a bank denied me, so I wrote the attorney general in texas (online) cuz thats where they are located and told them how chex did not follow the FCRA, and I sent a certified letter to chex, showing them the bank letter denying me even though they said I was off when I wasnt, and how they didnt remove me when the 30 days was up, I told them I planned on suing them, well the attorney general informed them of the complaint and chex sent me a letter saying those two bank accounts are now permantly deleted, Get mean with them, they lie, try writting the attorney general, let me know what happens, good luck!
  5. kellyscott

    kellyscott Well-Known Member

    Thanks Star. I'll add the Attorney General complaint to my response.


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