Chexsystems/FCRA Question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jenz, Aug 4, 2004.

  1. jenz

    jenz Well-Known Member

    I bought a new car in June from a CU. They pulled CS and an account under a different name was on there. I wrote to CS asking for a copy of the report. They sent me my report without that information on there citing that because some information didn't match they didn't include it. I wrote back stating that they are required to give me the same report they are giving to others. I get a letter back today stating that a reinvestigation is in process on the incorrect information but they still haven't given me this information. So I call and get some guy who doesn't seem to understand what i am asking for who kept stating that i will get a completed report when the investigation is finished. I ended up leaving a message for a supervisor.

    Am I wrong in thinking they are obligated to give me the same information they are providing to outside companies? How do I get them to give this information?
  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    You aren't wrong...

    But as far as I know, there hasn't been a case to prove it, yet...

    Did you try requesting a copy of the report from the company which pulled it?
  3. jenz

    jenz Well-Known Member

    the CU couldn't give me a copy (thier policy). all i want is to see the inaccurate information. how can they investigate anything when i haven't disputed it yet?
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Did the CU give you a written Adverse Action notice, indicating that their information was obtained from CS? What reason did they give you for not providing you a copy of the report with erroneous information? If they say their contract with CS prohibits it, such terms are expressly prohibited by FCRA.

    Did the CU let you look at and copy the erroneous information? Is there a report or file number that specifies the exact information provided by CS? Perhaps you could order this report by that specific number. In any case your current report from CS should be free if you have had "adverse action" due to information from CS.

    FTC is investigating and interested in comments on whether to require lenders to provide the consumer with a copy of the CR when it results in an adverse action. The current comments can be summarized as:
    Bankers, other lenders: "Its too much trouble, the CRAs can better explain things to the consumer."
    Consumers: "How can we fix a problem when we can't even see it in our reports."

    You seem to have a case where the report shown to you does NOT contain the information sent to the lender, and CS KNOWS it, which is why they are investigating, yet they have still not provided you a copy including what the lender received. Perhaps you should send your request for the lender's report, including a clear summary of the fact of the discrepancy, to CS, via the FTC. Let them forward it.
  5. jenz

    jenz Well-Known Member

    the problem is it - thankfully - did not cause an adverse action. they let me get the account. they did not say that their contract does not allow it - it is simply their policy not to give copies. i did get to see it and know what information is there - but i want a copy so i can properly document and dispute it with the lender. now i am simply ticked about the whole situation with CS. simple request i thought - what did i know?!?!?!

    i think i am going to file a complaint with the BBB, Attorney General and the FTC.

    i tell ya - it sucks to be a consumer.

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