I recently received my ChexSystems report before I apply for several money market/investment accounts. There is a PAID bank chargeoff for $776 showing on the report, but it isn't mine. The gentleman at ChexSystems said that as it is in paid status, it won't matter. Is this true? Shouldn't I still dispute? I was hoping to open the new accounts Monday, but do not want to be denied for inaccurate information. Thanks-DD
If it's not yours dispute it, some banks don't care if its paid or not, a negative item is still a negative item.
Why should you take somebody else's bum rap and pay the consciences? ****************************************************** NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ******************************************************* http://www.send4fun.com/telephone.htm >
ChexSystems is considered a credit reporting agency and it legally bound by the FCRA. Dispute with them the same way you would a regular creditor. Visit this site for good ChexSystems strategies: www.chexvictims.com
You don't want your identity muddied with anyone elses. If it can happen once it can happen again, at a more expensive time, such as when you are buying or refinancing. Zero tolerance.
Erroneous PAID accounts on reports do not matter to the bank paid, or to Checksystems. They matter to you. To them they are just an added cost to research and correct, so they won't volunteer to stop damaging you.