I don't know. I didn't ask. I went with the guy cause we was being a puss about it and was scared. He opened a IRA for $50 and they automatically opened him a savings. Then I said might as well open a checking while your here. I won a $100 from my guy because he didn't think it would work. Maybe I'll call it the "SAvings Back Door Double, SABDD" I'm just glad it worked. I was tired of listening to his whing and saying it wouldn't work. Charlie
Ok, I found out that the bank did close our bank account milkmom ======================================================= Why'd they close it?
I don't know why they closed it. They won't give me a straight answer. We were overdrawn but for about a week and a half, I think. We have banked there for years so you think they would give us a little slack. The closed the account and cancelled the bank cards. We went to cure the balance and when we asked them if the account had been closed, they said no. The only way we found out to the contrary was when we tried to view our account online and couldn't. They said there was a caution on the account as well. I don't know. I guess that means we are in some hot water.
how does one delete information from a chexsystems report? Say I have (and I don't know here) negative info on a chexsystems report and I want to aply somehwere else and am denied a bank account, what recourse do I have?
I would dispute Chex the same way I would any other dispute. Not mine, etc. I disputed via snail mail and online. The 30 window is still about 10 days away. See earlier post in this thread on how I got one of my employees around the Chex block. I don't know if it would work at other banks, CU's, etc. This was at a Federal Credit Union. There is a Chex message board you can look up if you do a search. Charlie