Child support is reported every month on credit report. Making payments every month greater than court ordered amount in order to pay off arrears assigned by state due to welfare. Credit report shows current status as 120+ days past due. Can I get this removed? Have not missed any payments!!
My husband pays child support to his ex-wife and his doesn't report--is this through the state or the county CS office? Or is it being reported by one of those 3rd party CS collection agencies? I would think the first step would be like any other--call the party reporting the information and ask what they show and of course make sure you are getting all credit for your payments (I know we can request a transcript if we need one from my husband's court). If it's current now, and has always been current, ask why it's reporting 120 days late. It may have something to do with the fact there are arrears; quite honestly, I don't know. It may be one of those things that while you are really and truly paying what they ask, but the fact it was in arrears (even if you didn't know it)will cause them to report it as late. But if you are paying the amounts set forth and agreed to I don't see how they can report it. I'm just taking a stab with the above since I have never heard of CS reporting. Of course, you can also file a dispute with the CRA's by asking them to investigate the payment history. I've had accounts deleted in full because (I am assuming) it was too much of a hassle for the companies to verify. Good luck.
From hubbys personal encounters with past due child support (arrears): In NH (it may be the same for other states) if you are more than $5000 in arrears then the Child Support Office can and will report it on all 3 credit reporting agencies. It will work like a collection agency, it was NEVER meant to be a positive account (it's more of an obligation than a CC, per se). It will state 120 days past due until you owe NO arrears. As long as you are past due in support, whether it's 2 months 3 months 10 months whatever, it will report being late. You can always try to dispute it (however I would avoid the "not mine" dispute). Personally I think EVERYTHING is worth a dispute or 2. You could try "balance incorrect" or Paid in full (if you are close to being PIF). Is there a court order for support? If not, you MAY be able to get away with "not mine" KHM
If you where orginally 120 days or more past due when you became aware of the arrears they will report it as such this is one of the tools now used for child support enforcement put it on the absent parents credit files. If you have been making additonal payments to catch up the orginal past due amount and more like you are doing you can call the caseworker that is handling the case and ask them if they can change the lates it will not really help that much though as the only time child support will appear on your credit file is when you are late and creditors know this. Our daughter works for the child support enforcement and would like those paying to know if you are having problems finacially (job loss, illness or such) that it is very easy to return to court and request that your child support be readjusted to fit your current circumstances your child suppourt can be lowered until you are better off finacially and you will avoid being late and the headaches that come with it. On the up side they are very good at removing the whole thing as soon as you are caught up unless it takes 7 years to catch up it will not normally show much past the date you catch it up. gigi
Thanks so much for all the replies. I am considering disputing by saying "not 120+ days late, paying on time." Is this a good idea? I would not consider saying "not mine" because there is a court order in place and the payments go through the District Attorney Child Support Division. Gigi, you said this will drop off when it is paid in full...does that mean it should not remain on the report for 7 years after the balance is reduced to $0? There may be no point in disputing anything. If the mark will drop off once the balance is gone, that is all I want. It is impossible to get any type of credit while you have child support arrears on your record!