**CHOD**, and all that it implies!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jrp32, Nov 5, 2002.

  1. jrp32

    jrp32 Well-Known Member

    I (finally) seem to have an understanding of CHOD, and per other member's request, I did run a query in this forum for CHOD, and I read the FAQ, but I still have some outstanding questions.

    First, I would like to extol the greatness of this idea, and do intend on participating in it with full zeal.

    However, I need some help. If for some reason, this information is logged somewhere and I missed it, please point me *specifically* to where I can find it.

    Am thinking this might be a nice refresher course for older members and eddification for newbies like myself as we approach Nov. 25th.

    These questions are pretty silly, I'm sure, but hey, I'm not embarrassed to ask. ;-)

    1. To whom do we send these disputes? I assume we can go to the three CRAs websites to obtain the information? It might be nice if we sent them all to the same address.

    2. How are we to send this certified letter? Priority mail, overnight, etc.?

    3. I'm new to disbuting items. Can I disbute as many derogs on my report as I want? Are there pros/cons to this?

    4. I plan on using some of the sample letters posted in this forum, am assume others will as well. Would this raise any red flags if the CRA gets inundated with the same letter?

    5. How many people are expected to join in this?

    6. The final question: has this been attempted before and what were the results?

    Thanks again.
  2. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    K, I'll take a stab at this one.

    1. Yes, you send the disputes to the CRA's. The address should be on your most recent CR, or you can look in the FAQ, all the addresses are there. Usually you can dispute right at their websites, but for CHOD we are all doing it by mail, CRRR.

    2. answered in #1

    3. Usually, you want to keep it around 4 per CRA. Some have done more than this, and it's worked. It's a personal choice I think. I've done 5 or 6 in one dispute, but only once. I'm afraid they'll think I'm frivolous if I do too many at once. Send only 1 letter per CRA. I know in the beginning some newer people were talking about doing one letter per TL. Which would mean 5 or 6 letters per CRA. Not only can that be really expensive, but they can make your disputes longer than the 30 days with each separate letter.

    4. It's been said that simple dispute letters in laymens terms tend to work better. That is how I'm going to do it. I don't want to sound too much like I'm doing credit repair. Just a simple letter should do fine. If you do use the sample letters, don't do it word for word. Use it as a sample only.

    5. Who knows how many. I think almost everyone w/ difficult derogs. Not only on creditnet, but other sites talk about it too (though CHOD is a trademark of creditnet)

    6. They did it last year, and like any other time of the year, many had mixed results. Some had impossible things come off, and others had everything verified. It all depends on the person at the CRA, and luck!!
  3. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    1. Yes, the addresses for the CRAs are on their websites. I'm sure they're also in the FAQs section at the top of the board.

    2. Send Certified Return Receipt Requested

    3. You can dispute as many as you want. There are varying theories as to how many to send per envelope. Some feel one envelope per dispute. Others feel 3-4 disputes per envelope. Don't send MORE than 3-4 disputes per envelope.

    4. YES it would, you never want to send any sample letters verbatim. Adapt them for your own use. You can even hand write your disputes. You're just an average Joe trying to get your information corrected so that you have an accurate report.

    5. Don't know

    6. Last year lots of folks on CN got lots of deletions. I didn't arrive till mid December, so I missed it. (I didn't understand what it was and wasn't about to start sending letters around when I didn't know what I was doing.)

    Hope this helps.

  4. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member

    Hi DemPooches,

    I am waiting for CHOD as well to hopefully get rid of 2 BK13, a past unpaid tax lien, a past unpaid judgement, and a past auto repo. I am new to CHOD as well and will participate in it for the first time this year (around the 20th). I have about 6-8 major things I want to dispute to the CRAs during CHOD. Are you advising to use 2 envelopes with about 4 disputed items in each to each CRA? Should each envelope with disputes be sent on the same day or different days to the CRAs?

    Good luck with your disputes during CHOD ...

  5. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    With respect to how many envelopes to use, there are two schools of thought. One is that if you use one dispute per envelope, it is more of an administrative headache and could help to bog things down. The other is that if you go with one dispute per envelope you are in danger of just ticking off the CRAs with no real benefit.

    I think if I had a pile of them to do (and could afford the CRRR postage) I'd probably take the chance and go with one per envelope. As a matter of fact, I'm helping a friend with disputes, so it's what I'll probably do there, but there is nothing wrong with going with 3-4 per envelope.

    I'll mail them over a period of the 25th-27th.

    ONE OTHER IMPORTANT THING - TU has been giving themselves an extra 15 days for disputes if they receive a 2nd dispute while the first is still ongoing. I am going to consolidate ALL of my TU disputes into a single dispute to prevent that from hapening.

    Hope this helps.

  6. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member

    Thanks DP,

    I plan to send to 2 envelopes to EX & EQ with 4 disputes in each envelope around the 20th. I will send 1 envelope with 6 disputes to TU on the 20th. I was contemplating sending 1 set of disputes to EX & EQ on the 20th and the 2nd set of disputes on the 22nd. My question is if I send the 2nd set of disputes on the 22nd, is the 2nd set of disputes researched and disputed by the CRA during the 1st set of disputes on the 20th? Or can I send both set of disputes to the CRAs on the 20th?
  7. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, I've read the question 3 times and I'm not sure I know what you're asking, but let me try this.

    If you send a set of disputes to EQ on the 20th, they will begin processing them when they receive them.

    If you send another set on the 22nd they will begin processing them when they receive them.

    In both cases, the disputes are supposed to be resolved 30 days from the date they are received (which is the date they sign the green card.)

    And you understand already why not to send to TU in two batches.

    Did this cover it?

  8. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member

    Thanks DP,

    I know I must have made that question as confusing as it sounds. I am sorry for the confusion. I just want to make sure that I am doing this right. I look forward to CHOD and hope CHOD works well to your advantage.

    "You are ALWASY one of the best on CN, of course, you don't need me to tell you that...:O)"

  9. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    You're welcome, UNLV. I hope it works out wonderfully for all of us. :)

    And BTW, congrats on your 100th post!

  10. beck20

    beck20 Well-Known Member

    Someone suggested handwriting the disputes, something I hadn't heard of before... Any idea from anyone, do you think this would make disputes look less "frivilous" or get better results??? It would definitely be a pain, but if anyone thinks it might work better than a normal typed dispute, I'd be willing to try it.

    One other question, I thought that if I send a dispute letter disputing 4 things, I can't send another letter, disputing 4 OTHER things until 30 days after the first letter, it might risk "frivilous". am I wrong? I'd LOVE to be able to send two separate letters with 4 disputes per letter (and according to what I've read, only do 1 letter with up to 4 disputes for TU).

    Does that all sound right?

  11. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member


    Don't handwrite the disputes, because unless you have awesome/beautiful handwriting skills you will just be giving them yet another reason to stall your
    disputes (illegible writting..or whatever)

  12. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    I think the main thing that I'm still unsure of is when we should be sending in our disputes. Many want them to arrive just before Thanksgiving, some want to send them later. I think this is the biggest issue I have.

    I'm thinking I'll time them to arrive on the 26 or 27th...
  13. ArmySarge6

    ArmySarge6 Well-Known Member


    Is TU allowed to do that?


    I send in Dispure #1 with XYZ company - not mine-please delete on 1 Nov 2002.

    I send in Dispute #2 with ABC company - not mine-please delete on 5 Nov 2002.

    Are you saying that Dispute #1 now has an additional 15 days added?

    I thought they could only add the 15 days if I were to send additional info on XYZ company.

    Maybe I am just confused which is entirely possible. LOL
  14. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Although I'm fairly new to CreditNet, I've been disputing via CRRR for about 3 years now-off and on. One thing I noticed is that TU and EQ (CSC for me) use PO Boxes to pick up thier mail. During busy times they often don't pick it up daily to manipulate the 30 days in thier favor since the 30 days doesn't start until they actually pick it up and sign for it. So to be sure, I'm sending mine in on the 22nd and Experian in on the 23rd. That way they should get them and enter them into the system before Thanksgiving if there is any kind of a day or two lag. I also heard that cc companies are sending out more applications/offers than ever before, which means the CRAs will be busier than usual.
  15. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure there is going to be a complete consensus on this one. But I doubt that it will be a problem that they are arriving over a period of 10 days or so.

    I became convinced that having them arrive the Friday or Monday after Thanksgiving made for the most possible interference with the work schedule and mail flow and decided to go that route.

    As you indicated in your post, the mailing dates would differ anyway just by virtue of the distance between the mailer and the CRA because the key is the date you want them received. So those who want their disputes to be received on a particular day wouldn't necessarily mail them on the same day to accomplish that result.

  16. ArmySarge6

    ArmySarge6 Well-Known Member

    For Equifax, most of us live where another company services the account. Would it be better during CHOD if the disputes were mailed to the main address in GA instead of, in my case CSC here in Texas?
  17. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    Your understanding is correct.

    TU is interpreting the additional 15 days the way they want to and even though it's wrong, they're doing it anyway.

    So....we all have a choice.

    This will provide great fodder for a lawsuit for someone. I wish I had the time and inclination to go that route, but I'm going to have to leave that fight to someone else.

    The purpose of my post was simply to inform those that might be adversely affected by TU's "policy" of late, so they can make an informed choice as to how to handle their TU disputes.

    Hope this helps clarify.

  18. ArmySarge6

    ArmySarge6 Well-Known Member

    Yes, it does help alot and thanks.
  19. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Sarge, I would say no. I've had the best luck with sending my stuff to CSC in Houston (from KS) as they seem to take 2 weeks just to show it on CreditWatch in dispute. I think they are actually slower than EQ. However, you may have some luck sending it to EQ in GA because they will have to send it to the affiliate for processing. Just last month I sent in a dispute and it took 15 days before it showed as in dispute on Credit Watch. At the 29 day limit, they deleted both disputed items. Just my experience.
  20. ArmySarge6

    ArmySarge6 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the reply cma...last month when you sent your dispute, you sent it to Houston? I live in San Antonio and my CSC is in El Paso. My thoughts on sending to GA that like you mentioned, they would have to send to their affiliate to take care of. Just trying to find some additional delays during CHOD :)

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